Centre of career advancement and alumni

Career Advancement | Industrial Training | Alumni Network

Centre of Career Advancement and Alumni (PKKA) at Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) plays a crucial role in facilitating the transition of graduates into the workforce and maintaining connections between the university, its alumni, and industry partners.

Overall, PKKA plays a vital role in fostering career development, alumni engagement, and industry connections within the UTHM community, ultimately contributing to the success and advancement of both students and graduates.

Planning Career Development Programs

Designs and implements various career development programs aimed at equipping graduates with the necessary skills and knowledge to enter the workforce successfully. These programs include workshops, seminars, career fairs, and other initiatives focused on enhancing employability.

Link Between University and Alumni

Serves as a bridge between the university and its alumni by organizing programs that encourage alumni to contribute intellectually and physically to the university’s activities. This involvement could range from mentorship programs to guest lectures, networking events, and even philanthropic efforts to support the university’s initiatives.

Link Between Students and Industry

Facilitates connections between students and industry partners by managing student-industry training programs. These programs provide students with opportunities for internships, cooperative education experiences, and other forms of industry exposure, helping them gain real-world skills and insights into their chosen fields.

Candidate View Job Centre Portal
Progress Tracker

Track your Application with our system.

Employers can easily respond to you thanks to our specialized platform. By using our system, you can view the latest job update and apply for the job that suits your field. You can also upload your CV inside our system and have a zoom meeting with potential employers. Isn’t that great?

So, what are you waiting for? Visit Job Centre@UTHM for more info.

UTHM Graduates Checklist


Checklist for graduates

Anything You Need

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Please click the Whatsapp link below.

Alumni Expert

UTHM alumni with degrees in engineering and technology are often involved in pioneering projects and innovative research that contribute to advancements in various sectors such as construction, manufacturing, automotive, and information technology.

News and Activities


Centre of Career Advancement and Alumni

Career Advancement | Industrial Training | Alumni Network

Let us guide you in these fields.

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